I can’t articulate the correct words for this , you have 100 percent of my admiration and you have this voice for a reason, don’t stop using your voice 🪷

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Thank you, Marina. I won't stop. Sometimes I falter but I won't stop. I love you, beautiful. Don't you dare stop either, ok?

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We are winning this , your voice keeps mine going and so many others, you go girl . 🌺

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This is extremely well written from a very articulate authoritative person. We cannot unlive our family histories or our personal past. Congratulations to you that you have found relief in your salvation. I think you realize that your value has nothing to do with your past, and everything to do with Jesus. He and The Father sees your beautiful soul, striving for the ultimate prize.

Keep up the good journey.

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Christ is my everything. While I have watched the others choose a life without Him, it has informed me how very right I was choosing Him and moving myself more fully into a life with Him. Never has it been more evident the power of Christ and salvation than in watching my trajectory versus the trajectory of other family members. In small ways I chuckle at the world at large who scoff at His saving power and debate His existence while I, in many ways, daily walk out the Gospels almost literally and watch all around me as folks choose one path or another and what that yields them. I want so much for everyone to hear my story and fully grasp that there was a point at which I made a decision and have learned strongly how right I was to make the decision and how much it has blessed my life. I know they can know the same yet they choose not to. You speak of regret, in many ways, my regret is not being articulate enough in my work to be able to get across to people the importance of my story. I'm not trying to sound arrogant, more it's about desperation and watching the times and knowing that it's a choice every day and always available and many still choose to turn away. Perhaps with time I'll get better at the message. I hope so.

Thank you for commenting, Gary.

God bless you.

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Oh my, girl, you sound on fire! Don't beat yourself up over the sparse or vapid response of those you minister to. Remember, to respond to the gift of total forgiveness, your name must be in The Book Of Life. Some are not. We do not know who is. It's hard to understand that. So often in Scripture, it outright says that things are hidden from those not destined to enter into his presence. There are also many places where He hardens the heart of the opposition, so that they cannot help themselves but oppose even the thought of Jesus. I rejoice that you are among the saved and that you have a burden to convince others. Keep up the good work. Your reward is not only here, but to come in heaven.

God bless you also

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