(Edited 02 Nov. 2024 to change relation of relative) Let’s be real here, October isn’t my month. I state this boldly and I do so finally without reservation as I come forward to speak some truth rendered to mere whispers in my family over my lifetime. These whispers were, and remain, hushed voices that even in their quiet, boldly create an unholy covenant and a subsequent internal imprisonment for the likes of me and my family.
You see,
“We don’t talk about these things.”
“We don’t utter truth about evil.”
“We don’t do that because it makes evil, real.”
Folks, I’ve got news for you. Not allowing truth an utterance, especially truth about evil’s existence, doesn’t make it go away.
It makes it stronger.
Now, before you question my personal knowledge of evil and think that I’m talking from a place of naivete’ borne out of a salacious need to be apart of a culture of evil, let me tell you just one of the people I am related to. I will link the article so you can read it in its entirety however I will also copy and paste some of the information here if you’re not one for clicking links.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet my second cousin Stanley Bernson:
Stanley Marvin Bernson (born 1936) is an American kidnapper, murderer and self-confessed serial killer. Convicted for two known murders in Oregon and Washington in 1978 and 1979, respectively, Bernson was later investigated for around 28 additional murders around the Northwest, some of which he claimed to have committed in the company of notorious serial killer Ted Bundy. No further victims have been linked to Bernson since his incarceration, and he continues to serve his life term at the Washington State Penitentiary.
In March 1967, Bernson was given a six-month suspended sentence for abducting a 13-year-old girl and driving her around Chattaroy, an unincorporated area northeast of Spokane. During the trip, the victim suffered an injury to the back of the head, which Bernson claimed had originated from a wrench flying off a shelf and hitting her when he crashed his car into a ditch. After the incident, he returned her home without harm. He was similarly charged with molesting a 7-year-old girl in Spokane in February 1976, but it is unclear whether he was convicted of that or not.
This was a man who had a storied public life but what’s not known by the common person are the personal stories of my family members about this man and of the family. The stories date back to his youth and actually go back generations so I can attest to the fact that people like this aren’t “born this way”, at least not in my family. In fact, they are created and Bernson learned his “trade” at the hands of a father who was raised by a father who had no qualms about taking his son and daughters out into the farm fields around Spokane, Washington and doing unspeakable (and I mean unspeakable) things to them. Bernson learned evil incarnation from generations of practitioners and I guarantee you it didn’t stop with him and as such, I didn’t escape the generational machinations that created evil in my family.
I don’t talk about this because I want “street cred” and recognition as identifying with this kind of thing. I’m not bloodthirsty for notoriety. I am not my family though if you mapped my family tree you’d see me sitting there amongst the likes of people like Bernson but I can guarantee you that my little branch in this family tree has a fortified treehouse where we, apart from them, hang out as the fruits of the produce man and his other family members proliferate.
I am coming out of silence because I did the “silence thing” and guess what? Evil still proliferated. So, I’m trying something new. I’m talking openly about it and telling my personal stories so that light gets shed on evil and truth is finally known. I include some of my most favorite scripture here now because it’s perfectly illustrative of what is required of us:
Walk in Light
8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), 10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. 11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. 13 But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. 14 Therefore He says:
“Awake, you who sleep,
Arise from the dead,
And Christ will give you light.”
I can’t tell you how often I have gone over this piece of scripture and really, all of Ephesians, and then looked around my life and still, in many ways, kept my mouth shut. As I would read this I would agree but then I’d find myself back in silence allowing evil to further proliferate.
Silence is a tool of the enemy and here is how I know that:
As a child, bad things would happen to me and the people doing the bad things would say to me:
“Don’t tell anyone, or else.”
As an adult, bad things happened to me and the people doing the bad things would say to me:
“Don’t tell anyone, let’s just keep this between us.”
And I’d be mute and terrified and isolated.
So this October, a notorious month for someone like me who has been through spiritual, ritual abuse, I am tired of being silent (and terrified and isolated). I haven’t yet found a benefit in keeping silent except to act as a mechanism to cause a form of suspended animation that, guess what?
Kept me trapped in pain and subsequently evil’s clutches.
I’m done with that.
On this day, the day before one of evil’s most famous ritual dates, I am writing this post to say that I am not silent anymore.
I know what you did.
I saw it.
I experienced it.
I bear the scars from it.
I know what you did and your time is short.
I can’t articulate the correct words for this , you have 100 percent of my admiration and you have this voice for a reason, don’t stop using your voice 🪷
This is extremely well written from a very articulate authoritative person. We cannot unlive our family histories or our personal past. Congratulations to you that you have found relief in your salvation. I think you realize that your value has nothing to do with your past, and everything to do with Jesus. He and The Father sees your beautiful soul, striving for the ultimate prize.
Keep up the good journey.