Helping You Get To Know Your Brainwaves Through My Experiences As A Mind Control Survivor
If you read my last post then you caught that formal mind control programming begins in childhood and that specific training needs to be done because a child spends much of his or her time in the alpha brainwave state. I want to take a moment to give you a small primer on the various brainwave states so that you can understand my post and even gain some understanding of yourselves. I am pulling this information from Scientific American and here is what it says about the various brainwave states:
There are four categories of these brainwaves, ranging from the most activity to the least activity. When the brain is aroused and actively engaged in mental activities, it generates beta waves. These beta waves are of relatively low amplitude, and are the fastest of the four different brainwaves. The frequency of beta waves ranges from 15 to 40 cycles a second. Beta waves are characteristics of a strongly engaged mind. A person in active conversation would be in beta. A debater would be in high beta. A person making a speech, or a teacher, or a talk show host would all be in beta when they are engaged in their work.
The next brainwave category in order of frequency is alpha. Where beta represented arousal, alpha represents non-arousal. Alpha brainwaves are slower, and higher in amplitude. Their frequency ranges from 9 to 14 cycles per second. A person who has completed a task and sits down to rest is often in an alpha state. A person who takes time out to reflect or meditate is usually in an alpha state. A person who takes a break from a conference and walks in the garden is often in an alpha state.
The next state, theta brainwaves, are typically of even greater amplitude and slower frequency. This frequency range is normally between 5 and 8 cycles a second. A person who has taken time off from a task and begins to daydream is often in a theta brainwave state. A person who is driving on a freeway, and discovers that they can't recall the last five miles, is often in a theta state--induced by the process of freeway driving.
The final brainwave state is delta. Here the brainwaves are of the greatest amplitude and slowest frequency. They typically center around a range of 1.5 to 4 cycles per second. They never go down to zero because that would mean that you were brain dead. But, deep dreamless sleep would take you down to the lowest frequency. Typically, 2 to 3 cycles a second.
When we go to bed and read for a few minutes before attempting sleep, we are likely to be in low beta. When we put the book down, turn off the lights and close our eyes, our brainwaves will descend from beta, to alpha, to theta and finally, when we fall asleep, to delta.
As you can see, each brainwave state has a critical function for us and learning how to manipulate them and control them would be something important to an enemy bent on altering our reality and perception.
Now, imagine an enemy backed by science, medicine, research and with unlimited funds and no heart and you can begin to see how it’s possible that someone like me went through what I went through and that it is viable to begin to grasp that this is something that is exercised on the masses. No more are there the secret laboratories of the MK Ultra era and clandestine experimentation because we live in a world where we have willingly chosen to hook wires to our brains (think: wireless earbuds we wear like a new body part that feed us information while we cycle through brainwave states during the day and night) and the folks running the vast majority of places we seek information from are the same folks running our sources of information. I don’t discriminate here because discrimination isn’t necessary anymore when we live in a world where anyone has a megaphone and can say what they want and convince us of their opinions.
Yes, even I am doing that now and many of you are listening to this on Soundcloud or YouTube so you are being fed information that comes from my personal experiences and knowledge gained from a lifetime of coping with, and escaping from, heinous abuse. It is my hope that you’re exercising your discernment and even praying about my content and that you’re doing the needed research on your own so that you don’t succumb to anything that looks remotely close to what I had to endure much of my life. You see, full disclosure here, it’s critical for me that you do your own research and exploration into what I am telling you and even better—and kind of my whole mission here—it’s critical that you are looking inside of yourself and deciding what resonates with you and shaping your newfound understanding in a way that benefits and heals you.
One thing I know for sure, I am not here to perpetuate what was done to me, on you.
I make it my mission to not do the enemy’s bidding.
With all of that being said, since we know from my previous posts that alpha programming is the base programming where the basics are inlaid and that children spend much of their time in alpha, while that shows the dangers I was personally surrounded by, it also shows you what can happen to you in the alpha state and really, every brainwave state as each one has its own attributes and each are learning states. I have stated it before and I will again today, be thoughtful and prayerful about what you take in whether it’s by ears, eyes or even by dietary consumption. How we care for ourselves has become a secondary reflex and that is concerning.
A reflex, by definition is something that we do without thinking. If our self-care has been reduced to a reflex then we are in big trouble. Consider these things for a moment:
You’ve got your earbuds in and your listening to your daily news fix while you get ready in the morning.
You put on your clothing and perfume thinking mostly about how others will perceive you. If you do think of yourself for a moment it’s probably just to check the mirror to help yourself feel better about your body image issues that you have dealt with your whole life—which isn’t self care or love, by the way.
You get in your car and get on the road and you’re in that alpha state for a good 45 minutes. What do you listen to? What’s going on around you? What are you telling yourself during that time?
You get to work or school or lunch with friends and the input continues. A quick coffee from a source you’re unaware of, a bite of food from that plate in front of you that was prepared by…who? And oh by the way, did you notice what was playing over the speakers in that restaurant or store you’re in?
Do you see where I am going with this?
And speaking of children, when you set them down in front of the T.V. or iPad to eat their breakfast and live out their day, are you fully cognizant of what they’re taking in as they watch what they watch? Have you vetted everything they’re consuming?
Have you vetted everything you’re consuming?
Listen, I’m not here to make you feel bad about yourself. I’m a parent too and still lament the choices I made for my son as he grew. I am also a recovering mind control victim so my work here isn’t about causing you more pain. My work here is about helping you to become more aware of yourselves and your surroundings. My point here is that we have gotten to a point in time where we are moving so fast and we’re living in a programmable state of mind so much that we are excellent conduits for programming and knowing what I know and having experienced what I have experienced, I can’t sit idly by and let the people within my reach continue to allow themselves to be programmed.
I am here telling my story because myself and my family were the forerunners in mind control experimentation from the victim (and survivor, in my case) standpoint. The stories my mother told of what happened to her still give me chills. The things I know still keep me up at night and stalk me during my day as I try to unwind my own programming and simultaneously educate a quickly disappearing world of people becoming victims of the very things they used my family as lab rats for.
Again, there isn’t a need for clandestine labs
because our very schools, televisions, offices, places of worship and much of our living spaces are our programming spaces.
The light at the end of the tunnel regarding all of this is my entire message and my work here at An Enemy Of The Lie for you.
I am here to help you find those programmed parts of yourself. I am here finding my own and sharing my story about what that’s been like to do that and to execute deprogramming. I am here being candid, vulnerable, and forthcoming with my truth so that I can help you find you while I also find me.
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Lizzy: For many of us, we choose our own base programming by the choices we make. Though we do not realize it, one choice leads to another and the base choice sets our trajectory. Some are so evilly denied the opportunity. The key here is that every one of these choices can be a turning point. We can choose to honor ourselves, or choose to honor God. If we make the choice to consider (pray) about the outcome of our choices, and being so informed, choose the better way, we can break the choices of the past and be reborn into a better life. We will still have choices, but being on a trajectory toward God makes positive outcome choices easier and more prevalent. However, evil choices are insidious. They are always there to trip us if we do not keep our eyes on Him.
Thank you for the reminder of satan’s pervasiveness. Well written and referenced.
Very informative, and am going to read this a few times , but my initial and first read is you are so brave and your writing is amazing , and I think a lot of people do not even know they have been through this . 💐